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Local Governing Body

South Farnham Educational Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust created in January 2015 and led by South Farnham School.  The Raleigh School joined the Trust in July 2017. The Board of Directors of the Trust have delegated certain functions to be locally managed which means that the Local Governing Body has general responsibility for the effective management of the school.

The Governing Body brings a variety of skills needed in the present day governing of schools.

Parent representatives on the Local Governing Body are an important part of our school and home partnership. Not only are they directly aware of the results of the school policy of our children and are easily accessible to you the parents, but they can bring a variety of skills needed in the present day governing of schools.

You elect them and so can make your views known to them. 

For further information on The Raleigh School Local Governing Body, Terms of Reference & Scheme of Delegation, please click the links below.

Members of The Raleigh School Local Governing Body

Terms of Reference & Scheme of Delegation

If you require any further information regarding the Governing Body or would like to view the minutes from any meetings, please contact the school office.

Further information about The Raleigh School's governance arrangements can be found on the South Farnham Educational Trust website.