Our curriculum is balanced and broadly based. It consists of all the activities designed or encouraged in the school to develop the intellectual, personal, social and physical activities in the children.
Please click on the relevant year group tab, on the left hand side of this page, where termly newsletters can be found.
We aim to help our children, with the co-operation of their parents:
- To develop into happy and confident individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout their lives
- Develop lively and enquiring minds through knowledge with understanding
- Establish a command of the subjects contained in the National Curriculum
- Value and understand religious and moral beliefs
- Develop a respect for the views of others
- Understand something of the world in which we live with regard for our mutual dependence on others as individuals, groups and nations
- Appreciate human achievements and aspirations.
We try to do this by providing:
- a school environment in which they can enjoy developing their mental and physical abilities
- whole school and individual staff professional development which ensures the highest quality of teaching and learning
- opportunities to work with other children and adults in a friendly atmosphere and so develop social skills in co-operating with each other.
We have wider aims to:
- play our part in raising national standards in education through sharing good practice with other schools and teachers across the country
- take a leading role in national initiatives.
Our curriculum includes not only the formal programme of lessons, but the 'informal' programme of extra curricular activities as well as the features which produce the school's ethos, such as equality of opportunity, the values shown in the way the school sets about its task and the way in which it is organised and managed.
The curriculum is planned by the staff. The National Curriculum provides a necessary framework and ensures continuity throughout the child's school life. The curriculum detail forms the most important element in the School Improvement Plan which in turn covers all aspects of school life.
Our teaching is child-centred in that our pupils are central to all our planning. We have high expectations of our children. They have already learned a great deal so that we start with what is familiar and, using practical activities wherever possible, extend this knowledge. We aim to interest the children, even excite them, so that they want to learn and enjoy their new skills. Success is a firm foundation for future learning and we show our appreciation of their successes.
Within the class our children are grouped according to their abilities in the different fields. Our planning is detailed, inclusive and differentiated to meet all pupils' talents, skills and abilities.
Class Organisation
Each year group is organised under the direction of the Head and Deputy Heads, and Assistant Head, who overview the curriculum.
Every class in each year covers a similar curriculum - but will have individual interpretation depending on teacher interests and class needs.
The work is aimed at covering the appropriate attainment targets which are detailed in the National Curriculum.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - Click on STEM on the left to find out more
The school has an extensive range of ICT resources including a large number of laptops, which are used flexibly around the school.
Each class has access to a range of computers within the classrooms to extend the use of ICT across the curriculum.
Sex Education
Sex Education is taught in every year. The children are led gently to a deeper understanding of all the issues involved in this subject according to their level of maturity. The programme of work incorporates knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
All aspects of sex education require close co-operation between home and school and parents are informed in advance when sex education is to be taught.
Religious Education
The R.E. syllabus is in accordance with the Surrey Handbook for Religious Education in Surrey.
School Parents are reminded of their right to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided. This should be discussed with the Headteacher.
Mathematics - Click on STEM on the left of the page to find out more
We teach mathematics so that our pupils develop their understanding and enjoyment. Where possible we apply it to everyday life.
Each child has a daily maths lesson based on the National Curriculum for Mathematics. This involves direct teaching and interactive oral work with the whole class and groups.
English - Click on English on the left of the page to find out more
Our English curriculum is planned to develop the basic skills of reading and writing, the enjoyment of books and effective communication in speech and writing.
Special Needs
From time to time many children will need special help either to overcome a learning difficulty or to ensure that the curriculum fully extends their abilities. Specialist help is available within the school. Our Special Needs co-ordinator oversees the work of a team of teachers and Teaching Assistants, who support and advise the classroom teacher.
They work with small groups and monitor the progress of children. Additional help is available when appropriate from Educational Psychologists and other outside support agencies.
The More Able Child
Our school policy is to identify through clear curriculum guidelines those children who have outstanding abilities. Opportunities are given for children to develop their specific skills or talents right across the curriculum.
To find out more about our curriculum, or to discuss how you can support your child in their learning, please contact your Class Teacher or email