Our curriculum is balanced and broadly based. It consists of all the activities designed or encouraged in the school to develop the intellectual, personal, social and physical activities in the children.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. At The Raleigh School, all children have dedicated mathematics, science, computing and design and technology lessons in which they learn about the scientific processes that underpin our world and develop a deep understanding of mathematics rooted in context.
Our carefully planned curriculum ensures progression and coverage and intends that children will develop into happy, confident and independent individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout their lives.
Please find below further information about the teaching of mathematics, science, computing and design and technology at The Raleigh School and our individual curriculum intentions.
At The Raleigh School, it is our intention to deliver a high quality mathematics education which provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics.
Our curriculum ensures that all children:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics in order to develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
- Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems.
Each pupil has a daily mathematics lesson covering the aims and objectives from the National Curriculum. Through direct teaching, interactive discussion and guided practice, pupils are supported to develop fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Each week, pupils are set a home learning activity related to their current week's learning to embed their understanding.
To find out more about the skills and progression taught through our maths curriculum, please click the links below:
- Maths concepts and themes
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in addition and subtraction
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in multiplication and division
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in algebra
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in fractions, percentages and decimals
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in geometry
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in measurement
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in position and direction
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in ratio and proportion
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in statistics
- Maths curriculum map outlining skills and progression across the school in number skills
Please see the milestones below for the key learning that we anticipate children will acquire in each year, prior to progressing to the next year group:
Intent Statement
We are passionate about igniting the children’s love of mathematics and inspiring them to want to learn. We recognise that mathematics is a life skill and yet many children see it as only relevant ‘in the classroom’. Through our teaching, we aim to ensure each child is confident in all aspects of mathematics and is able to reason mathematically, appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics and enjoy maths. Our curriculum ensures that all children:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
- can reason mathematically
- solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems.
We are ardent that every child in every year should recognise their potential in mathematics. As such, we have introduced a number of different schemes which give every child an opportunity to be proud of what they can achieve in maths.
Busy Ant Maths Scheme of Work
We use the Collins Busy Ant scheme of work; this is a mathematical scheme designed specifically to develop fundamental numerical skills through whole-class teaching, paired and individual activities, and assessment. The Busy Ant scheme allows teachers to deliver bespoke, low threshold, high ceiling activities that enable the children to maximise their mathematical potential. The scheme provides three different levels of challenge, ensuring that there are opportunities for mathematicians of all abilities to access their highest challenge.
In addition, the Busy Ant scheme has problem solving and reasoning activities which allow the children to extend and develop their logical approach to solving maths problems.
White Rose Hub
We aim to introduce, through the use of concrete (physical resources), pictorial (images on a page), abstract (written mathematics) methods, opportunities for the children to develop a deeper understanding of how mathematics works. Across both Key Stages, we follow many units of White Rose Maths activities, based upon the highly successful Singapore/Shanghai models. Children are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of a mathematical concept, often through the use of pictorial bar modelling (see the videos on the website) and this then enables them to choose which more abstract strategies to apply. It is important at this stage to re-iterate that concrete and pictorial methods merely support the children in developing the ability to apply abstract concepts.
Mathletics is a captivating, online math learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. This programme allows children to access maths at home in a variety of ways; through structured, set questions – often based on the learning of that week; games using a variety of maths skills to complete a ‘quest’; or more challenging problem solving and reasoning problems. Mathletics is often set as a homework challenge as it enables teachers to get a quick ’snapshot’ of where the children are.
TTRockstars is a web-based learning platform, specifically designed to engage children with multiplication reasoning and rapid recall of multiplication and division facts. There are several different platforms within TTRockstars, including ‘Soundcheck’ which emulates the Multiplication Tables Check (‘MTC’) and allows children to practise entering multiplication answers online at speed. In addition, children create their own avatar which they can then develop by spending ‘coins’ earned through multiplication games. The ‘Rocking and Rolling Numbers’ section provides videos and accompanying Powerpoint presentations to help children learn their times tables through song.
Numbots has been developed by TTRockstars to boost addition and subtraction skills, particularly in Key Stage 1. It offers two approaches to learning:
- Story Mode - the emphasis here is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles, and.
- Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away mentally.
Third Space Learning
This website provides free, online learning support both at school and at home.
Maths anxiety
Maths anxiety is a common issue for both children and adults. Our maths leader, Mrs Hamilton, has produced two videos which detail strategies to address this. The first is aimed at children in Key Stage 2 and the second is more appropriate for Early Years.
Key Stage 2 Maths Anxiety
Key Stage 1 Maths Anxiety
The Journey
Early Years Foundation Stage
From the moment they start at the Raleigh, children are encouraged to embrace maths. They use manipulatives (like Numicon, multi-link or any other physical object like teddy bears or dinosaurs) to help them make the connection between physical objects and the abstract concept of number, including the number symbol (numeral) and the cardinal number value. With help, children develop the ability to subitise up to 5 (instantly recognise a small number of objects without actually counting them). Using a variety of different manipulatives or mediums, children explore the composition of numbers to 10, which in turn leads them to be able to recall number bonds to 5.
Pattern and shape are key concepts in maths and in EYFS, through stimulating yet accessible activities, children are encouraged to explore and investigate these topics, developing their spatial reasoning skills.
Key Stage 1
By Year 1, children are becoming confident with the different symbols which represent different operations. Using manipulatives and drawing out the problem is still hugely important and Year 1 teachers encourage children to use these strategies when solving a mathematical problem. Bar-modelling, which is highly effective strategy, is introduced in its most basic form in Year 1; it enables children to represent the calculation by drawing rectangles that depict the different sizes of the objects (see the KS1 bar-modelling video for more information). Supported by activities from the Busy Ants scheme of work, children are taught to count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. Manipulatives continue to support their learning, especially with counting in multiples and adding and subtracting 1-digit and 2-digit numbers within 20.
Vocabulary becomes increasingly important in Key Stage 1 as children start to compare different sizes of number, mass or measure; they become more confident using the correct terminology, i.e. one more or one less or long, longer, longest.
Physical activities support the children as they learn about position and direction.
In Year 2, children are refining their existing knowledge of number, calculation and fractions. Using concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and investigative activities, they develop a better understanding of the connection between the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Time and money are introduced and children are keen to apply what they already know to solve problems involving these.
At the Raleigh, we believe that our children have enjoyed a rich and varied approach to learning mathematical concepts and are extremely well prepared for KS1 SATs at the end of the year. They embrace the opportunity to show how resilient they have become and to show what they know. As a result, we are always proud to celebrate their success with superb KS1 SATs results.
Lower Key Stage 2
In Year 3, children begin to learn column addition and subtraction. However, they are not simply taught and asked to memorise the written methods. Instead, they are provided with the concrete, pictorial and abstract (see White Rose for explanation on these) representations needed in order to develop a complete understanding of each of the four operations. Children explore fractions further and work to add and subtract numbers mentally with increased speed and accuracy.
By Year 4, children should have a strong understanding of the foundations that underpin all areas of maths. This allows them to learn written methods that are more streamlined in order to produce answers with increased efficiency. Through the heavy use of manipulatives, children develop a deep understanding of fractions in Year 4, including the identification of equivalent fractions and counting up and down in hundredths. Conversion of units of measurement, such as metres to kilometres, is also introduced this year.
One area that is of increased focus in Years 3 and 4 is the children’s times tables from 1x1 up to 12x12. Through the use of TT Rockstars, pupils are challenged to develop a strong memory and quick thinking as they prepare to take on their end of the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The Raleigh were very proud to produce excellent results in the first years of the MTC and we are striving for even more success in future years to come.
Upper Key Stage 2
In Year 5, children use their developed understanding of maths to answer increasingly challenging questions. Their knowledge of times tables is used to be able to mentally solve division and written multiplication questions use increasingly larger numbers. During Year 5, a deeper understanding of how multi-step word problems are solved is promoted through the use of Busy Ant’s wide array of challenges. By this stage, children have learnt about 2D shapes in detail, so now they move on to identifying an array of 3D shapes whilst looking at their properties in more detail.
By Year 6, children have developed a strong sense for number and knowledge of mathematics and are ready to demonstrate their knowledge during end of Key Stage SATs. As well as ensuring all core knowledge is embedded, children learn the laws for order of operations (BIDMAS) and how to simplify fractions. Graph work is developed to include all four quadrants and other means of interpreting data such as pie charts are introduced.
At The Raleigh, we believe that the learning journey children go through in maths prepares them effectively for end of Key Stage SATs and life in the wider world. We are very proud of our results year on year and are delighted to be able to share children’s successes with them as their story with us comes to an end and they move into the next stage of their education.
Impact - What does a good maths learner look like by the time they leave The Raleigh?
By the time a child leaves our school, our aim is for them to be able to approach any problem and use multiple methods to solve or find a solution. Children will have developed their resilience to overcome tricky problems that require them to use a range of different operations or processes. They will also be able to explain to a friend how they came up with the answer using resources and mathematical vocabulary. In addition, children will have developed an understanding of the intrinsic nature of maths that is present in every day life, helping them to understand the importance of a developed mathematical ability.
Helpful resources
Please see the video below where one of our Maths Leaders, Mrs Hamilton, demonstrates how to use bar modelling.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
An example of early number bonds being taught in Reception. Take every opportunity to learn maths!
Links to maths resources for parents:
- TT Rockstars - Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
- NumBots - NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.
- Mathletics - Mathletics United Kingdom | Empowering Maths Learning Online
Other useful websites which can be accessed at home:
BBC Bitesize - games and lighthearted videos explaining concepts for each year group.
Early Years Mathematics and Numeracy
Early Years Maths learn and revise
KS1 Mathematics and Numeracy
KS1 Maths learn and revise
KS2 Mathematics and Numeracy
KS2 Games Guardians of Mathematica
KS2 Maths learn and revise
BBC Teach –live lessons, Supermovers (combining maths with physical activity) and a series of light- hearted videos, explaining maths concepts and strategies.
NRich – University of Cambridge website providing opportunities to explore, investigate and play games
Mathsframe – free games and resources for KS1 and KS2
Maths Dictionary -
Maths is Fun – explanations of maths strategies and concepts, puzzles, games, worksheets and an illustrated dictionary.
ICT games -
Ilovemaths – games and puzzles
Corbett Maths – worksheets and videos
Mathszone – games (like Hit the Button) and learning activities.
The high quality science curriculum at The Raleigh School ensures all children are:
- Taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
- Encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation, predict how things will behave, analyse causes and develop an excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.
- Equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future.
Each week pupils study at least two hours of science, covering the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum. Each year group receives a balanced curriculum through varied topics and investigations including: scientific enquiry, life processes and living things, materials and their properties, and physical processes. Click the link below to find out more about the subject.
Our curriculum ensures all children can understand the principles of computer science, analyse problems in computational terms, evaluate and apply information technology analytically to solve problems.
Our curriculum:
- Prepares all our children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world in which we live.
- Ensures all children can understand the principles of computer science, analyse problems in computational terms and evaluate and apply information technology to solve problems. This enables children to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of technology.
- Teaches the importance of good online safety practices and develops understanding and strategies in order for children to stay safe on the internet wherever it is used.
Each pupil has a weekly computing lesson covering the aims and objectives from the National Curriculum. Through a combination of practical, computer-based learning and theoretical activities, children develop a wide range of skills and knowledge across the three key strands of computer science, information technology and digital literacy.
Children will become familiar with a wide range of program languages and software including Scratch and Purple Mash. These are freely accessible online and many of our children choose to continue their learning outside of school, bringing in their projects to share with their peers.
Computing skills and knowledge progression
For more information about how you can support your child to stay safe online, please visit our e-safety section.
Design & Technology
Our curriculum intends to inspire creativity, imagination, risk-taking, innovation and a critical understanding of the impact of design technology on daily life and the wider world. Children design and make products that solve real and relevant problems considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values whilst enabling them to use and apply skills from other curriculum subjects.
Each pupil studies a design and technology unit per term, covering the full range of aims and objectives as outlined in the National Curriculum. Through exciting and engaging lessons, pupils gain the skills to design, make, evaluate and apply technical knowledge to a range of projects.
A diverse range of clubs run each term enriching all aspects of the curriculum. Most recently these have included Nutritional Ninjas Cookery Club, Knitting Club, Craft Club and Forest School, Further details about available clubs are issued directly to parents each term.